Preventive health care AND therapy in your veterinary practice in Munich-Freimann

Operating Room

My operating room is well equipped and meets international clinical standards:

  1. Gas anesthesia unit with ventilator
  2. Complete anesthesia monitoring capabilities (ECG, capnograph, pulseoximeter)
  3. An electrically adjustable, heated surgical table with vacuum positioner is provided to reduce intraoperative hypothermia and provide optimum patient positioning
  4. The OR is lit by the newest generation surgical lighting
  5. OP-Lampentechnologie der neuesten Generation
  6. High frequency electrocautery and continous suction are utilized to achieve a clear operating field
  7. Extensive surgical instrumentation for orthopedic and soft tissue surgery

Dr. med. vet. Steffen Hoffmann
Floriansmühlstr. 19
D - 80939 Munich-Freimann
Tel: +49 (0) 89 - 32 21 14 60
Fax: +49 (0) 89 - 32 46 27 24
Emerg. call: +49 (0) 171 - 524 81 30




Monday - Saturday
08:30 am - 11:00 am

Monday - Friday
16:00 pm - 18:30 pm


© 2020 Dr. med. vet. Steffen Hoffmann